Dear All
I would like to start by thanking all clubs for their replies and input into what has been a most trying few days as result we have reached a difficult decision as the Executive of the RCL, one that reading all the feedback most of you sadly feel this is inevitable.
Due to the unprecedented situation we all find ourselves in and in support of the Government’s actions/announcements to try and stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus the RCL League will not be commencing on the 18th April 2020. This includes ALL leagues Senior and Junior.
This position will be reviewed on a regular basis with hopefully the first review being mid to end of May 2020 and if there is a chance to start some form of cricket competition in say June if not then July. There will be time to decide on the format once the picture becomes much clearer.
Any new start date to the season I would like to be a co-ordinated one between all the local Leagues as to ensure player retention for each league.
I realise that some clubs have Pro’s signed and sponsors to please but this situation cannot be helped and with the Government announcing no global travel for the next 30 days and most countries worldwide closing their borders I would be surprised if any overseas (Pro’s or Am’s) would get here.
Cricket balls were ordered in early Feb I will be contacting Reader’s tomorrow to discuss a possible delay in this delivery. We do realise that this delay will hit all clubs hard financially but there is not much choice I am afraid. There will be no handbook produced this year to save expense for the League
This is a real sad state of affairs and I hope that you all stay well until we can resurrect the 2020 season.
Stay Safe
Best Regards
Mike Bridges
Honorary Treasurer/Vice Chairman RCL
