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Earby Cricket Club

Junior Training Update

Hello from Earby Cricket Club Firstly, we hope you are well and keeping safe in these unusual times. As the lockdown is easing, we are investigating the possibility of starting some junior cricket training, although within the strict ECB guidelines which have been set. The key points we will be working to are :  - 2 Metre social distancing rule maintained at all time - Group sessions of up to a maximum of 6 people which will include 1 coach and 5 juniors - Players will stick to using one set of balls in training either by bringing their own or being assigned numbered balls which will be cleaned between each session - Recommendation for all players to use their own equipment if possible - Only one of our fixed nets will be available for the session - The clubhouse, tea room and changing rooms will be closed at all times unless in the event of an emergency eg first aid If you would like further details of the guidance on recreational cricket activity during COVID-19 then please visit the below link on the ECB website : There is no competitive cricket allowed at this stage and the likelihood of any structured junior league cricket is minimal. However we would like to keep our young cricketers interested, as we know there is a Ben Stokes in Earby somewhere. Provisionally we propose our young cricketers could attend one 1 hour training session on Saturday mornings from 09:30 to 10:30 or 11:00 to 12:00 starting from the 4th July. Dependent on the response we would try and keep the sessions to similar age groups. The sessions would require details of exact numbers prior to the start and places will need to be booked on our online booking system which is being set up on our website We will constantly assess our outdoor facilities so we can open safely following all the public health guidelines. If we feel we are unable to meet the requirements then we will stop proceedings. If you are interested in your child attending one of the sessions at Earby Cricket Club during COVID-19 then please respond to making sure the junior members name and school year is included. Kindest regards and keep safe Earby Cricket Club Junior Coaches

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