Over the past 40 years Stuart and Trish Pepper have run the 150 Club weekly draw and it has been an important fundraiser and an essential source of income for the cricket club.
It is with sadness that we’d like to announce that both Stuart and Trish are relinquishing doing the draw and as a result the 150 Club will finish at the end of this month, with the last draw being on the weekend of the 29th July 2023.
The committee and everyone at the club would like to thank Stuart and Trish, along with all the collectors who have helped them out over the years, for their effort and dedication in making the draw the huge success it has been.
At its peak it had over 300 entrants, however as times change the numbers have lowered and it is no longer feasible in its current format.
All entrants who have paid until the end of the year will be contacted with regards to getting a refund for monies paid.
Going forward the committee are looking at ideas to introduce a new fund raising draw and details of this will be announced in due course.
Once again, the Club would like to pass on thanks to Stuart and Trish for all their hard work over the past 40 years and we hope they will accept the committee’s invite to join us at a match before the end of the season so we can present them with a token of our appreciation for everything they have done with the draw.
The Committee
